If you want to purchase a desktop computer but are in a dilemma on the best choice, your options should include an all-in-one AIO computer. Desktop computers consist of a monitor and a detached computer case that holds the hard drive, motherboard, and other components. On the other hand, all-in-one computers combine the computer and the display into a single package. AIO computers contain all the critical components of a computer behind the display. Some include a touch screen display. An AIO computer is designed to offer a balance between form and functionality.
Advantages of All in One Computer
The AIO computer is easy to pick up and take to another office or room without calling the IT department. They are general lighter than traditional desktop computers and are easier to hold. Some models have built-in touch screen displays that make it unnecessary to carry a keyboard or mouse. Although, I would not recommend using it that way for serious work. The all in one desktop is ideal for families or offices where the computer is shared or when making a presentation as it is ready to go in an instant.
Saves Space
This computer is slimmer in design which consumes less overall space than the bulkier monitor and tower configuration. Many offices do not have enough space to store their desktop computers on the desk so they may end up in a dusty cabinet or on the floor. This is most evident for businesses that have hundreds or thousands of desktops. Switching to AIO computers can save a lot of space in cramped offices.
Save on Maintenance and Energy
Traditional desktop computers consume a lot of power, are loud, accumulate dust quickly, and generate heat and noise in a space that’s already cramped up. AIO computers are energy efficient, do not produce much heat, and are less noisy. It is also easy to keep the computer dust-free as it is within cleaning reach on your desk. You can easily care for and wipe it down with minimal effort as it has fewer openings and ports to navigate.
Organized and Stylish
If you want your computer in a central spot in your office or living room, the AIO computer is the ideal option because of its attractive design. Furthermore, connecting the computer requires fewer cables, especially when working with a wireless keyboard and mouse.
Disadvantages of All in One Computer
Difficult to Upgrade
Traditional desktops are easy to upgrade they contain empty empty expansion slots. Most desktops have room for added storage, more memory, and other expansion. Most contain free PCIE expansion slots allowing you to add all sorts of expandability from something as simple as more USB ports to a Wi-Fi card. However, with an AIO computer, it is difficult to upgrade as the unit is jammed pack full of components to make them small yet powerful. Most AIO support adding more storage and memory but that’s about all you can do with them.
If any part of an AIO computer breaks, it’s nearly impossible to replace the broken part. You have to replace everything, which is not the case, with a separate monitor and processor. If the monitor breaks on a desktop, you only have to replace the monitor instead of the entire display. This is an essential factor to consider when debating about an all in one vs desktop computers.
Advantages of Desktop Computers
Easy to Upgrade
It is easy to access the internal hardware of these computers, which makes upgrading uncomplicated. Unlike AIO computers, you can upgrade each part separately without affecting the other parts. As stated earlier, there’s more room to add components in desktops. They are designed for upgradable but that does come at a cost for space.
High Performance
Since you can add more hardware to the computer, it has increased performance. More hardware means more efficient performance and strength, which you experience each time you use the computer. With the extra room in the case, there’s more room for better and bigger heatsinks and fans to help keep the computer quite while also allow the hardware to stretch its legs.
Due to them being bulky, desktop computers are often immobile; hence you cannot temporarily move them to an adjacent room or office. A desktop computer has many parts that make the whole unit almost impossible to move around quickly.
Takes More Space
As desktop computers are immovable, they are stored on a countertop or a desk in productivity-focused spaces. You can store an AIO computer in a cabinet after use or carry it home. This cannot be done for a desktop computer as they act as part of the office furniture.
In conclusion, both are great options but one might suit you better depending on your needs. If you are constantly on the go or like to have a stylish look in your office, the all in one computer would be your ideal choice. However, if you like to upgrade your system often, a desktop computer is the best option as it allows you to upgrade any part of it.

Hi, My name is Josh Giesing. I am the President at Computer PRO Unltd. In my free time, I enjoy reading and have a passion for learning.