Fallout 4
Fallout 4 is the long awaited sequel to Bethesda’s brilliant Fallout 3 (because we all know New Vegas was more like a giant expansion for Fallout 3 than it was a full sequel). Here are the key features of the game..
Fallout 4 is the long awaited sequel to Bethesda’s brilliant Fallout 3 (because we all know New Vegas was more like a giant expansion for Fallout 3 than it was a full sequel). Here are the key features of the game..
Streaming boxes are small devices designed to be hooked up to a TV and are used to stream media to a television. They are superior to smart TVs because streaming media is the only thing they were designed to do, as opposed to an add-on built into a TV. These are dedicated streaming machines, the best at
I assume pretty much everyone out there that has any interest in video games has heard of League of Legends by now, but for anyone that may have heard the name, but doesn’t really know anything about it keep reading.
There are many options out there when it comes to web-browsers, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. I personally think Chrome has the most merits. Here are 6 reasons why I think Chrome is the best web-browser available.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is out now and it is great! One of the new features is Geralt’s beard growing from clean shaven, to scruffy, to full blown beard over the course of hours spent in game. They have also added a complex weather system that changes the way you play depending on whether
I always get asked “what is the best web browser?” and my reply is always that it really just depends on your preference. Personally, my favorite browser is Mozilla Firefox because it has a combination of speed, customizability, and ease of use.