We have created a list of seven awesome websites that anyone can use! Some websites will help you with productivity. Some are for entertainment. One website will save you money, and benefit charities.
Speed Test
Speed Test is a handy little website for determining what speed your current internet connection is running at. This can be used to see if you are experiencing slower than normal speeds or to see if your latency (ping) is abnormally high. I used this recently when Charter upped my speed to see if it had taken effect.
Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle is a company that gathers together computer games into bundles and lets you pay what you want for them and donate to charity. It is a great place to pick up a few great indie games and feel good about doing it.
Can You Run It
Can You Run It is a great website utility that gathers requirements for computer games and runs an assessment of your computer hardware to see if your computer can run a specific game. I always recommend you go here to check and see if your computer is up to that new game you are eying.
Librivox is a website that gathers tons of public domain audiobooks. Therefore you can get the classics in audiobook format for free. Free audiobooks, what more could you ask for?
TED Talks
Ted Talks is a website dedicated to sharing ideas. They are a collection of professional talks on just about any topic you can imagine; they are informative, interesting, and surprisingly addictive.
Run Pee
Run Pee is a little site dedicated to informing you of the best time to take a restroom break in the middle of a movie. I hate taking a bathroom break when I am at the cinema, because I miss things and often am left confused about what is going on. Now I consult this site before going to the movies so I know the best time to make the trip. The best part is they keep it spoiler-free and also inform you of anything you missed during the break.
Dead Pixel Tester
Ever notice a dot on your screen that doesn’t match the dots on the rest of the screen? That may be a dead pixel. This website will let you change the colors of the whole screen to easily detect if there are any pixels in your screen that are broken.